Tips for Parent
Kids perform better in school if parents are involved in their academics the best platform for the same is Parent Teacher Meetings. Through this activity both the parents and teachers can guage and understand the kid and help them in finding new ways to teach them in the schools as well as homes.These meetings are held periodically based on the student’s requirement, there is a chance to start or continue conversations with your child’s teacher, and discuss strategies to help your child do his or her best in class. Meeting with the teacher also lets your child know that what goes on in school will be shared at home.
If your child has special learning needs, additional meetings can be scheduled with teachers.

Tips to Parents
Visit the school and website
Knowing the school physically helps you connect with your child when you talk about the school. It’s good to know the location of the class, their play area, auditorium etc.Browsing the school website helps you know:
- The school calendar.
- Teachers and Staff contact information
- Upcoming events
- Exams and other.
- Home Assignments etc.
Tips to Parents
Teach Study Skills
Studying for a test can be scary for young kids, and many educators assume parents will help their kids during the grade-school years. Introducing your child to study skills now will pay off with good learning habits throughout life.In elementary school, kids usually take end-of-unit tests in math, spelling, science, and social studies. Be sure to know when a test is scheduled so you can help your child study ahead of time rather than just the night before. You also might need to remind your child to bring home the right study materials, such as notes, study guides, or books.
Teach your child how to break down overall tasks into smaller, manageable chunks so preparing for a test isn’t overwhelming. You also can introduce your child to tricks like mnemonic devices to help with recalling information. Remember that taking a break after a 45-minute study period is an important way to help kids process and remember information.
Your child probably will be introduced to standardized testing in elementary school. While students can’t really study for standardized tests, some teachers provide practice tests to help ease students’ worries.
In general, if studying and testing becomes a source of stress for your child, discuss the situation with the teacher or school counselor.

Tips to Parents
Get Involved
Whether kids are just starting kindergarten or entering their last year of elementary school, there are many good reasons for parents to volunteer at school. It’s a great way for parents to show they’re interested in their kids’ education.Kids like to see their parents at school or at school events. But follow your child’s cues to find out how much interaction works for both of you. If your child seems uncomfortable with your presence at the school or with your involvement in an extracurricular activity, consider taking a more behind-the-scenes approach. Make it clear that you aren’t there to spy — you’re just trying to help out the school community.
Parents can get involved by:
- Being Creative Advisor for events
- Train sport or other activities
- Planning class parties
- Gardening
- Assisting in Library
- Participating in fundraising or charity